Article Submission Guidelines

Please contact the Editorial Team via Email, at: [email protected]

  1. We welcome both Nigerian and foreign contributors.
  2. It is paramount that your article/pitch is issue-focused. What is the story and how does it interest the NigerianCEO readership.
  3. We recommend that you send an enquiry/proposal first rather than completed submission.
  4. To demonstrate writing flair and professionalism, we ask that you accompany your initial enquiry to write for NigerianCEO, with some samples of your written work, preferably previously published work. But we do encourage new blood with relevant experience.
  5. Do not over-exert by offering too many story ideas and trying to cram more than 2 features within one deadline – therefore a maximum of two features is advised unless specifically commissioned.
  6. We will only consider full submissions on spec. Publication will be at the Editor’s discretion.
  7. The NigerianCEO Editor reserves the right to edit articles in line with the NigerianCEO’s House Style, and Editorial tone and for clarity and brevity.
  8. All submissions should not be over 1200 words – hence try to be as concise, pithy, and to the point within 800-1200 words.
  9. For creatives wishing to submit beauty or fashion photoshoots – we highly recommend you submit low-resolution versions first for consideration.
  10. If your pitch is successful, submit an excellently written, proofed final article. It should be well-sourced, attributed, and balanced with rich quotes from at least 2-3 different sources.
  11. Our publishing language is British English.
  12. Check your facts thoroughly and avoid sweeping or unsubstantiated generalizations, smears, and libellous content
  13. Attribute your articles to credible sources. Be fair, balanced, and objective.
  14. Be pithy and to the point. Avoid using long and winding sentences or words where a short one will do. Long paragraphs or sentences, can often confuse the reader or put them off.
  15. Do not aim at telling readers what you think, be informative instead. Do not be too didactic, too stuffy, or too dramatic either.
  16. We are not very keen on and do not encourage first-person narratives.
  17. All submitted articles should be unformatted and sent in Microsoft Word documents or pages.
  18. Where possible submit as separate attachments, relevant photos in high-resolution jpeg format
  19. Unless specifically commissioned otherwise – the article’s word length is between 800 –1200 words.
  20. We do publish longer articles or interviews regularly, but these are usually specifically commissioned.
  21. Your article proposal should briefly outline the premise you intend to make and how the article will benefit our readers.
  22. Our current rates are $100 per 1,000 published words. Unless otherwise agreed, the fee is based on
  23. printed, not submitted, words.
  24. We will pay between $20-$50 for any photos accompanying an article if used.
  25. For unsolicited and uncommissioned photoshoots our rate starts at $300 per shoot depending of quality and quantity.
  26. Payment for any published submission is made within 30 days after the publication date.

QUOTE/UNQUOTE “Clear thinking is the key to clear writing. “A scrupulous writer”, observed Orwell, “in every sentence that he [or she] writes will ask [themselves]: Could I put it more shortly? Have I said anything that is avoidably ugly?”

Scrupulous writers will also notice that their copy is edited only lightly and is likely to be used. It may even be read. (Source The Economist)