You Want to Reach Nigerian CEOs Across the World?

The Readers

The readers of NigerianCEO are the decision-makers in government and the private sector across Nigeria and overseas. An estimated 250 000 people, including CEOs and senior business executives, entrepreneurs, financial analysts, economists, researchers, opinion makers and academics across the country and in the Diaspora read NigerianCEO every issue, through our newsstand, paid subscriptions and controlled circulation.

  • 65% are CEOs and company directors and senior managers
  • 42% are entrepreneurs of leading African and multinational companies
  • 19% work in government, both federal and state government
  • 79% are between the ages of 26 and 60
  • 70% have purchasing responsibilities for a range of products and services
  • 80% are skilled people with university or postgraduate degrees
  • Average Personal Income: $50, 042

The Market

Africa has nearly one billion people and many of them operate the fastest growing businesses across the continent and in the Diaspora. With over 250 million middle-class consumers across the continent are buying cars, making investments, using cell phones, running companies, frequently travelling, and have large disposable incomes.

We can help you reach this lucrative market.

The Distribution

Currently, NigerianCEO is a full-colour quarterly corporate news magazine published four times a year, available for prompt delivery to your business or home or anywhere you like; even online 24/7.

  • Sold on newsstands in over 30 countries across Africa, including Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, and Kenya.
  • Distributed at the annual trade events across Africa &
  • Distributed in the business class sections and airport lounges of a dozen airlines.
  • Distributed at embassies and diplomatic missions and international organisations in Nigeria.
  • Distributed at Nigerian embassies and diplomatic missions across the world.
  • Distributed in the Diaspora: The US, Canada, UK, Germany, and other European countries.
  • Distributed among African banks, chambers of commercial, and business events in Africa and the Diaspora
  • Distributed in major hotels, banks and other commercial centres across Nigeria, Africa and other Western countries.

The Brand

Our goal is to be the “most” influential Nigerian corporate magazine available in the market. We value and nurture our brand to represent a unique space in the business media and publishing world both across Nigeria and overseas.

Our brand can make yours grow.